Adventures in Potty Training


This past week was quite exciting…Ada potty trained! A couple friends have been asking about our plan of attack. I figured I’d write it out in case anything can be of help to other moms out there!

Before H was born, A constantly asked to be potty trained. However, we heard so many stories of regression that we didn’t even attempt it. We had to discourage her a bit. However, once H was born A didn’t mention potty training at all, so I knew we did the right thing.

Around the age of 2.5, we thought she might be ready. We bought underwear and treats (for successes) and spent the next few days at home. However, it was apparent after about a day that she wasn’t ready. There weren’t any successes, she got easily frusterated, and while she would constantly attempt to go potty, the only time she would actually go was when she wasn’t on the potty! No problem. We put away the underwear, went back to diapers, and waited.

Fast forward to the last few weeks. She was slowly wanting to wear underwear more, was trying to go on the potty, and showed a lot of interest. We had a little toilet for her that sat in the bathroom and she could ‘use’ it anytime she wanted. There were a few days where she wore her underwear a ton. And while she didn’t have many accidents, the only time she would go was when she was in a diaper again (to run errands, etc…). Finally, on Sunday the magic happened! We were getting ready to play a game and I asked her to go to the bathroom before we started. She was reluctant, but after about 30 seconds she ran back out telling us she went potty…and she had! She was super pleased with herself, and we were as well. We rewarded her with a piece of candy and let her know how proud we were. After this, I went to take a nap. When I got up, Jon told me that A went twice, both times were her idea and she did it no problem!!! I couldn’t believe it. It seems like we were actually going to be potty training.

The next day we had her go as soon as she got up. Success again! From this point on, it was only underwear for her. This was going to prove a little difficult since I had some errands to run, but we would work that out. (Jon came with us on his lunch so he could stay with H while I ran to the bathroom with her when necessary). She did great all day! At the end of the day she had a few accidents; I think she was just tired and got a little lazy. However, she had done so well all day! I would reminder to go every once in awhile, but most of the time she knew when she had to go, and would just go!


Hanging out in a bathroom. Everywhere we go she always asks, ‘Do they have a bathroom here?’ And then, ‘They do?!? They have a potty too!’ She’s in constant amazement. Ha!

The next few days were the same. On Wednesday, she didn’t have any accidents! By Friday, I knew that she had this in the bag…potty trained in less than a week! Here’s a few reasons why I think it was a success.

  • We had our supplies ready. Underwear (that she was excited to wear since she picked them out) was always in her drawer and we would let her wear them when she really wanted to. We had a potty just for her that sang songs and said encouraging phrases. She thought it was the best! All these things made it exciting for her.
  • We were patient. When she wasn’t quite ready, we never pushed it. When she finally was ready, even though there were accidents we never got annoyed. (Well, we never expressed it. 🙂 ) Sure, it is frusterating when they pee on the carpet, but getting annoyed wasn’t going to help keep her at it. We always let her know that it was fine and that she was doing a great job!
  • We rewarded. A lot. For the first few days everytime she successfully used the potty we gave her a little treat. The first day at night she was a little frusterated. She had done well all day, but in the late evening she had a few accidents and got really sad. So we all went out for ice cream for a fun treat and we kept telling her how proud we were! It really helped to encourage her. After her first successful day with no accidents, we went to Starbucks to get her a little treat! (She has only had her own drink at Starbucks 3 times. We try to keep it only for special occassions, so that it’s actually special.) We met up with our friend Whitney and her boys. It was so fun and it was once again a good encouragement to A. (Ummm, she may have used the bathroom a lot at Starbucks. I lost count after 5 times. Oh the joys of bathrooms everywhere that you can use!) We also had bigger prizes for her once she was completly trained. She knew about them and it was always a good incentive for her. (Below: (1) Ice Cream Fun.  (2) Ada with her new Merida doll from ‘Brave’! Gotta represent the Scottish pride!)



  • I believe this is the most important reason: We waited until she was absolutely ready. I know there’s a lot of pressure to potty train your kids early. And I get it. It would be wonderful to not have to change diapers after the age of 2. But I also know that trying to get your kids to go to the bathroom when they don’t yet understand ‘that feeling’ is really hard. I didn’t want to deal with that. I wanted to wait until she got it because I thought it would be easier. And it was! In less than one week she was completly potty trained and I hardly had to do any work. There were a few issues, but we worked through them and here we are on the other side! So don’t feel the pressure to train your kids. You’ll know when they’re ready. Maybe that’s 2, maybe that’s 3. Whenever it is, they will let you know!

Hopefully this blog will help some of you as you prepare to potty train your kids! I promise you, it can be a really rewarding experience, and fun for you too if you treat yourself to ice cream and Starbucks along with your kids. Hee hee.


Another bathroom. Yet again.  Aren’t you so glad I took all these  photos?  Ha!

2 responses »

  1. She was so funny with her 10 trips to the bathroom at Bucks!! She’s getting so big, way to go Adelaide!! And congrats to you for successfully potty training your first child 🙂

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